About Shakespeare

Yesterday, I went to Nagoya to join the training session for English tutors.  In this course of sessions we studied Hamlet and we performed the play in the last session.  And, yesterday was the last day.  I did Hamlet.  These days, I was into Hamlet so deeply and now, I feel like I finally came back home from a long trip.

At first I thought Shakespeare is too difficult for us.  However, as we studied the script and tried to perform, we gradually get to realize emotions of each character, and soon, we got fascinated by beautiful lines.  The more I studied, the more I wanted to know about Shakespeare, so I read many books and articles online in the end.

I don’t know why I devoted myself to Hamlet this deeply.  What gives me such emotional pain?  Why I feel like laughing and crying?  Words, words, words….  It’s just words printed on the paper!  But I surely was Hamlet in the play and lived a life in the story.  It was amazing when I recite those beautiful lines in the play I can feel the emotion which is not written in the script.  The printed words turn to the sounds and it stimulus the certain part of my brain, the same part of the brain that Shakespeare and people lived in England 400 years ago ever had.

I am sure I will feel the loss of Hamlet for a while.


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